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Makers Market Sun Prairie is all about supporting small local businesses by giving creative entrepreneurs a well organized, fun, and safe local event to showcase their goods. Makers Market Sun Prairie welcomes people of all backgrounds and we want everyone to feel safe in an inclusive environment. 


Makers Market Sun Prairie prohibits the use of our events to discriminate against people based on the following personal attributes (collectively, “protected groups”):

• Race

• Color

• Ethnicity

• National origin

• Religion

• Gender

• Gender identity

• Sexual orientation

• Disability

• Any other characteristic protected under applicable law


Policy decisions are complex. We consider many different factors before coming to a decision. Because Makers Market Sun Prairie events are aimed to serve a local creative community, we err on the side of freedom of expression. We understand that art is subject to a variety of valid, sometimes conflicting interpretations, and emotional responses as art can be provocative, emotional, and divisive. There are some topics on which we may never reach a consensus as a community, and that is okay. 



“ should not be comforting; for comfort, we have mass entertainment and one another. Art should provoke, disturb, arouse our emotions, expand our sympathies in directions we may not anticipate and may not even wish.”

- Joyce Carol Oates

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